Botanical Name
Grade Tab:- Selects and Better, Standard and Better.
Cladding, Joinery – Exterior, Joinery – Interior
710 kg/m3 (can vary by 20% or more)
Physical Structure
There is a wide variation in the strength properties of the various merantis and red seraya due to the differences in density and the number of species involved
Slightly durable (Can vary in durability)
The various types of meranti/seraya are reported to dry rapidly and well, with little degrade. Some slight distortion and surface checking may occur in the denser types. ‘Malayan Forest Service Trade Leaflet No 8’ gives the following information regarding the air drying times for red meranti dried under cover in Malaysia. From about 60 per cent moisture content to 18 per cent moisture content:- 25mm boards 2 to 3 months, 38mm boards 3 to 4 months, 50mm boards 5 months
Moisture Content
14% – 16% (+/- 2%)
Working Qualities
Medium – The wood of the various species work well and in general are capable of a good smooth surface, but a reduction of cutting angle to 20° is beneficial where a tendency for the grain to tear becomes apparent. The dulling effect on saws and cutters varies somewhat with the species, but is usually quite small. The various species can be glued, nailed and screwed satisfactorily, and can be stained and polished quite well after suitable filling
Storage Advice
Under cover
Purchasing Cycle
12 month