Botanical Name
FAS – (First and Seconds). Allowing sound defect. Free of sapwood.
Heavy structural use, decking, marine or freshwater construction
South & Central America
Physical Structure
Interlocking grain with heartwood distinctive red brown to dark brown, with a speckled appearance due to white deposits in pores.
Very Durable
Considering its density, the wood is relatively easy to dry. It tends to surface check if dried rapidly, but moderate to slow drying rates should reduce this tendency. Thicker sections are at risk from case hardening
Moisture Content
16% – 20% KD, 30% AD
Working Qualities
Difficult – Cumaru is heavy, hard and tough wood which makes it rather difficult to work, but with sharp tools it bores cleanly, and when severely interlocked grain is absent, planes and finishes to a smooth surface. It takes a high polish but glues poorly
Storage Advice
Under cover
Purchasing Cycle
12 month