3rd party COC
West & Central Africa
560 kg/m3 (can vary by up to 20%)
Physical Structure
Emeri has excellent strength properties, comparing well with teak, though weaker in bending and in compression along the grain. It has excellent strength properties, being as strong and stiff as English oak in bending, although considerably softer and less resistant to shock loads. It splits easily and has been used in West Africa for roof shingles
Moderately durable
Emeri dries readily and well, with little distortion and splitting, and shrinkage is small
Working Qualities
Medium – The timber works easily with most hand and machine tools. It has little dulling effect on cutting edges and a clean finish is obtained in most operations. There is a tendency however, for the grain to pick up when quarter-sawn material is planed
Storage Advice
Under cover
Purchasing Cycle
12 month