Botanical Name
No. 2/3 Clear and Better, No. 3 Clear, No. 4 Clear, Factory Selects, No. 1 Shop, No. 2 Shop, Also available in vertical grain (VG) for specific end uses such as door manufacture.
Mouldings, Joinery – Interior
Canada, North West USA
Physical Structure
The timber is not as hard as Douglas Fir but compared with that species, it is about 30 per cent less stiff and 50 per cent less tough, and in respect of general strength properties it is more closely comparable to European redwood (Pinus sylvestris)
Slightly durable
The initially high moisture content of this species requires care in drying processes in order to avoid surface checking, and to ensure uniform drying throughout the thickness. Warping and twisting tendencies are usually low
Moisture Content
12% – 14% (+/- 1 – 2%)
Working Qualities
Similar properties to those of Douglas Fir but not quite as strong or decorative. Pacific coast Hemlock dries exceptionally well and nails firmly without splitting
Storage Advice
Green stock outside, KD stock under cover
Purchasing Cycle
12 month