DIY: How to make a wooden iPad holder (other brands available)

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Do it yourself: How to make a wooden iPad holder

If there are two things for certain right now it’s this:

  1. we’re going to be at home for the foreseeable, so probably need a new hobby, and
  2. we’re also going to be watching a lot of Netflix.

As we continue self-isolating and practicing social distancing measures, it’s important to keep yourself preoccupied and proactive as this will help take care of your physical and mental health.

A great way to stay busy is by picking up a new hobby, so today, we’ll be taking a look at a woodworking project you can get stuck into.

Woodworking is a craft that’s been around for centuries, but the end products have changed as civilisation has evolved. Once we were carving timber into boats for fishing – now, we’re creating our own iPad holders!

To ensure you never have to hold your iPad aloft again whilst watching Netflix, here is our simple guide to creating your own iPad holder.

Step one

First of all you need to get yourself a solid block of wood – ideally 5.1 x 3.1 x 0.9 inch.

This block will act as the iPad holder itself, so make sure it’s sturdy and aesthetically pleasing. Don’t worry about the roughness of if yet, we’ll be sanding it down later on.

If you need some timber to get yourself going, get in touch with our team today and we’ll be able to help you out.

Step two

Next up, you need to drill a seven to nine-millimetre deep hole at the end of the 5.1 inch surface, ensuring the hole is justified in the centre and leaving a 5 millimetre gap from the edge.

For this, you’ll ideally need a large diameter drill bit, allowing enough space for the tip of your index finger to easily pass through.

The reason for this is to access your iPad’s home button – allowing for greater accessibility and comfort.

Step three

From the side of your block where you cut your seven to nine millimetre hole, on the short side measure off 17mm and 30mm, and then make your 27 degree cuts – this 13mm gap is where your iPad will sit, so make sure once you make the cuts, you clean it out well so it’s nice and smooth.

This can be done using either a handsaw or a table saw – whatever you have at your disposal!

Step four

Time to sand.

You’ve officially made your iPad stand, so now you just need to make sure that it’s sanded and smoothed down to avoid any unnecessary splinters.

Once you’ve completed your sanding, pop your iPad in and take it for a test drive!

And that’s it!

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