Iroko smooth decking supplied for a Cardiff Yacht Club refurbishment

  • Light bulb icon Inspiration
  • Case Study

International Timber (IT) recently supplied Monmouthshire Timber Cardiff with stunning Iroko smooth decking for a project to replace Cardiff Yacht Club’s exterior walkway.

IT has worked closely with Monmouthshire Timber Cardiff since its opening three years ago, acting as one of their main hardwood suppliers.

The 44 x 144 Iroko smooth decking was cut to the multiple lengths needed to replace the walkway on the exterior of the yacht club – the length and quality of the timber which was supplied helped to ensure minimum waste.

This initially caused an issue as it meant the timber had to be cut on site which hadn’t been planned for. Due to the quality of the machinery and timber which International Timber supplied, however, along with the willingness to only charge per piece as agreed, the issue was very quickly rectified.

Now with the waste material on site from cutting the timber to size, the customer is hoping to replace the furniture and benches with Iroko to match the new decking. To read more about International Timber’s sustainability policy, click here.

A further requirement for the timber was durability. Although not in direct contact with the water, the use of Iroko was specifically requested due to its proximity to salt water once in place at the Yacht Club.

Thanks to the positive feedback that has been received from all parties and the high-quality supplies, Cardiff Yacht Club is now looking to extend the decking further.

The now finished project took a total of four days to install, utilising two labourers.