Top tips on sawing in cold weather

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Whether we like it or not, winter weather is inevitable, but this doesn’t mean you have to freeze your woodwork. With the right kind of maintenance and preparation, you can keep sawing all winter long.

In this guide, we’ll lay out everything you need to know about working in cold weather so you don’t need to put down the saw when the cold weather approaches.


  • Lubrication

While lubrication is not always necessary in winter, if you experience build-up on the teeth or sides of the band, this can affect performance, life between sharpenings and overall flex life. Common additives can include simply water or vegetable oils. But be sure to add windshield washer fluid, or antifreeze, to the water to keep it from freezing.


  • Blades

When sawing frozen logs, you’ll want to have a blade suitable for frozen or hardwood, as even softwoods will saw like hardwoods in cold weather. While a sharp blade is always going to be a priority when sawing, in winter ice crystals will tend to dull a blade more quickly.

Narrow blades can have less resistance and clean out frozen sawdust more productively.

  • Sawmill

Partially frozen logs will generally require a little slower feed speed from a sawmill. There is also a risk of the tooth of the blade to ‘wander’ a bit when cutting through frozen logs – much like it does when cutting through a knot. So increasing the blade set from .024 to .026 inces and slowing down the feed rate will help give straighter cuts.


In winter, wood is even more likely to splinter, so the use of a helmet and eye protection remains critical.

While it may seem obvious, be aware of your surroundings, as the ground or other surfaces could become icy and slippery in winter. Ice is your biggest enemy – especially when it’s under your feet.

Also, keep any tools or equipment clean and covered when not in use.

Whether you’re working indoors or braving the outside – it’s not just your tools you should be looking after – remember to wrap up warm and use the correct protection clothing.

And you?

Hopefully following these cold weather tips will help you saw with ease throughout the winter season, but if you’ve got any other tips you’d like to share, be sure to give us a tweet.

And if you’re looking for the right kind of timber for your next project, take a look at our fantastic product range today.


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