A report on the government backing timber and construction sectors

A report on the government backing timber and construction sectors

In a recent conference at the Confederation of Timber Industries parliamentary reception, Under Secretary of State for the Environment Dr Thérèse Coffey has personally emphasised the need to boost home-grown timber further, working with timber and construction sectors to increase home-grown demand in new build, refurbishment and infrastructure projects.

For us at International Timber it’s so important that timber use is promoted on a governmental level – in late 2017 global atmospheric co2 levels hit a record high and a main contributor to that statistic is the use of brick, steel and concrete in construction as opposed to timber. If you look at a building’s climate footprint over 14 years, it is about 80% the building materials that go into it.

Timber offers an environmentally friendly, longer-lasting and arguably more aesthetically pleasing build – timber framed housing now accounts for roughly 27% of new UK housing, and we’re keen to see these figures grow.

In the same conference, Dr Thérèse Coffey also reaffirmed government commitment to increase UK forest cover to 12% by 2060, stating: “As a nation, we need to plant more trees”. This is a real crux of the argument – timber companies will begin to use home-grown timber when there’s enough woodland to make the harvesting 100% sustainable.

Additionally, the strong future for the UK timber market has resulted in investors holding on to their acres, leaving us with much more of a demand than there is a supply.

As part of Saint-Gobain Building Distribution, International Timber operates within its Policy for Sustainability. This policy is designed to continually improve our position as a sustainable provider of building materials by reducing environmental impact, being committed to the well-being of stakeholders and always considering the economic effect of our operations.

To download our Sustainability Statement in a PDF format, please click here.

We’re glad that Under Secretary of State for the Environment Dr Thérèse Coffey has opened up this dialogue on such a scale, and we hope to see greater use of timber in construction, both in Britain and further afield.

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If you have any questions, contact us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook and say hello!

Oh, and if you work within the construction industry, or have any timber needs for your own build, get in touch and we’ll be able to help you out.

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