International Timber gets ready to launch their Intelligence brand

International Timber gets ready to launch their Intelligence brand

Everything is possible.

This is the driving force behind International Timber’s latest, and most customer-centric product brain-child, Intelligence.

Intelligence centres around a range of engineered and modified products by International Timber, and aims to sell joinery solutions to customers that were formerly difficult to come by. In simple terms, this means that International Timber will be helping woodworkers overcome traditional sourcing and availability issues and offering bespoke products to match individual requirements.

So, what does this mean? It means that International Timber is stepping out of the box.

Although our approach has always been to provide our customers with the best products possible, we’re now looking at applications and engineering products that will provide the best fit solution to customers, in terms of both physical properties and visual appeal.

The Intelligence solution will provide a range of benefits for customers including:

  • A totally new look and quality feel – think sleek, modern and sophisticated
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Excellent thermal properties – saving money on heat and electrical bills
  • Overcomes traditional sourcing issues by matching available engineered products with applications
  • Long terms solutions for individual applications
  • Strength and breath of possibilities through International Timber and INTelligence
  • Extensive manufacturing capabilities
  • Constant product innovation and evolution into the future
  • Partnering with customers

To summarise, Intelligence is a complete solution to any problems a customer may have, using traditional timber and engineering it to suit the customers’ needs.

How will this play out?

International Timber staff have been developing an understanding of the Intelligence brand and concept for quite some time, with Product Champions who will be able to not only answer any questions a customer may have, but provide the best Intelligent solution.

Our team will have around the clock technical support, enhanced service levels, ongoing sales and product training and guaranteed stock availability to ensure you, the customer, get the perfect solution.

The Intelligence brand – a recap

The Intelligence brand reflects International Timber’s established reputation as market leaders. It is a forward-thinking concept, underlining International Timber’s ability to drive forward solutions to match issues, engage with forward planning & sustainability and engineer solutions using woods that are readily available and fit for purpose for each application.

Are you ready for the next generation of timber?

Intelligence is an overarching concept that will help us solve every problem a woodworker has ever had – and we cannot wait for it to launch in July 2018. Stock is arriving soon at all of our branches, so if you’d like to trial our new products, contact your local Product Champion.

If you’d like to speak to a timber consultant to find out more about Intelligence or any of our other offerings, get in touch and we’ll be able to help you out.

Oh, and don’t forget to follow us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook to keep up to date on all the latest timber news!

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