International Timber’s state-of-the-art milling facilities

milling facilities

International Timber’s state-of-the-art milling facilities

With over 40 years in the industry, International Timber has managed to stay ahead of the game, investing in state-of-the-art, high quality machine and milling facilities to ensure grade A products and competitive lead times.

Here’s what you can expect to find in each of our depots.


Our Hull site is home to high-tech, high-volume softwood machining facilities using a quick set WEINIG powermat moulder and automatic handling systems that allow us to run up too 100m/min. This line compliments the other planing lines on site and gives us the opportunity to offer flexible bundle and pack configurations, length-end stamping and automatic tallying of packs.

Within this branch we can produce products including PSEs, small mouldings, decking and treated products, and our high-speed re-sawing line (BK80 – WEINIG) allows us to be flexible enough to resize timber prior to machining.


As with our Hull site, at Newport our high-speed WEINIG moulders offer high-volume softwood products. Our site’s inline Stenner re-saw allows us to process timber from raw material products to finished goods in one simple process, and we also have onsite treatment facilities which allow us to be flexible and agile enough to meet consumer expectations.


Our Parkend site is home to our specialist hardwood sales and kilning facilities. Kilns are thermally insulated chambers that produce temperatures sufficient enough to harden, dry, or chemically change the DNA of our timber. This allows us to create our structurally superior modified timbers.

With seven kilns on-site, we have more than enough resource to keep up with customer demands!


State-of-the-art, quick set WEINIG Powermat moulders, alternative moulders and handling equipment at our Purfleet site allow us to react to low-to-mid volume hardwood and softwood customer orders.

The rip-sawing and cross-cutting that takes place using our WEINIG technology compliments the rest of our milling equipment at Purfleet, allowing us to be agile and time-efficient.


Our Trafford operation has the biggest culmination of WEINIG moulders, with five in situ. These enable us to cope with a large volume of small-to-medium sized hardwood and softwood orders.

Due to the expanse of equipment on this site, we can offer incredibly short lead times on certain items, giving our clients the opportunity to complete jobs much more efficiently and with time to spare!


And finally our Grangemouth site.

Our three high-speed WEINIG Hydromat moulders all run up to 100m/min and cover all softwood and hardwood products for the Scottish market – hardwood is produced on a dedicated line. Our Stenner twin-band saw line allows us to resize timber quickly so the moulding lines run efficiently, minimising waste – something that’s incredibly important within all of our milling operations.

Timber treatment is also available from Grangemouth site and often runs around the clock to successfully cater to growing needs. Our 3 x 15-meter-long treatment vessels allow to offer a range of treatments and classes, giving a breadth of bespoke options.

Want to know more?

Four decades later and still going strong with some of the most high-spec milling equipment on the market today. It’s exactly what our customers deserve.

If you’d like to speak to a timber consultant about our product range, or want a bit more information on what we can offer you, get in touch and we’ll be able to help you out!

Oh, and don’t forget to follow us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook to keep up to date on all the latest timber news.

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