Botanical Name
Grade Tab:- Selects and Better, Standard and Better.
Heavy structural use, Flooring
South East Asia
740 kg/m3 (can vary by 20% or more)
Physical Structure
Keruing generally compares with teak in most strength categories, but it is a little stiffer, and about 40 per cent more resistant to shock loads
Moderately durable
The timbers of this group dry slowly, and it is difficult to achieve uniform drying particularly in thick stock or in quarter-sawn material. High temperatures aggravate the exudation of resin, and care is therefore needed in order to reduce this to a minimum and also to reduce the tendency for cupping to occur. There is high shrinkage during drying, and a corresponding high movement potential
Moisture Content
Working Qualities
Difficult – The variations that exist between the different species and within species in respect of resin content, type of grain and hardness, affect the general ease of working, dulling of cutters and finishing properties. The timbers vary from hard to very hard and horny in cutting across the grain, and whereas straight grained material is capable of clean, slightly fibrous finish in planing and moulding, quarter-sawn,or interlocked grained material picks up during these operations unless cutting angles are reduced to 20°. The wood stains satisfactorily, but due to the resin, varnishing and polishing require a lot of care. It takes nails and screws reasonably well, but its gluing properties are variable
Storage Advice
Purchasing Cycle
12 month