Botanical Name
Thickness: 1”, 1.25”, 1.5” & 2” only
Lengths: 7’ – 12’
Most common, least expensive plain sawn, also commonly called flat sawn, is the most common lumber you will find. This is the most inexpensive way to manufacture logs into lumber. Plain sawn lumber is the most common type of cut. The annular rings are generally 30 degrees or less to the face of the board; this is often referred to as tangential grain. The resulting wood displays a cathedral pattern on the face of the board.
More expensive than plain sawn material Quarter sawn wood has an amazing straight grain pattern that lends itself to design. Quarter sawn lumber is defined as wood where the annular growth rings intersect the face of the board at a 60 to 90 degree angle. When cutting this lumber at the sawmill, each log is sawed at a radial angle into four quarters, hence the name. Dramatic flecking is also present in red oak and white oak.
Most expensive, least common Rift sawn wood can be manufactured either as a compliment to quarter sawn lumber or logs can be cut specifically as rift sawn. In rift sawn lumber the annual rings are typically between 30-60 degrees, with 45 degrees being optimum. Manufactured by milling perpendicular to the log’s growth rings producing a linear grain pattern with no flecking. This method produces the most waste, increasing the cost of this lumber. Rift sawn lumber is very dimensionally stable and has a unique linear appearance.
North America
770 kg/m3
Physical Structure
It compares fairly closely with European Oak in general strength, but on the whole its higher density provides rather higher strength. A hard heavy wood with medium bending and crushing strength
Heartwood is resistant to decay and extremely resistant to preservative treatment. Sapwood moderately resistant
Like all the true oaks the timber dries slowly, with a tendency to split, check and honeycomb
Moisture Content
6% – 8% (+/-2%)
Working Qualities
White Oak machines well, and nails and screws well, although pre-boring is advised. It reacts with iron, so galvanised or copper nails are recommended. Adhesive properties are variable with good staining and polishing. Due to high shrinkage it can be susceptible to movement in performance under variable moisture conditions
Storage Advice
Under cover
Purchasing Cycle
12 month