Sandy celebrates 31 years at International Timber

Sandy celebrates 31 years at International Timber

Sandy Clapham is celebrating his 31 years of service at with International Timber as one of the longest serving team member.
Sandy began his career at International Timber as a sales representative, progressing up the ranks to become sales manager of specialist products in the softwood department.Sandy spoke about his time with the company in a short interview:

Q: What was your motivation behind applying to work for International Timber?

A: I wanted to improve myself and work for a better timber company.

Q: Why did you choose International Timber over competitor companies?

A: It was a young energetic, get up and go company

Q: What’s your favourite memory from your time at International Timber?

A: My best memory from my time at the company was developing the laminated stair business.

Q: What is the most interesting project you have been involved in at International Timber?

A: Developing, selling and organising the supply of volumes of large high-spec laminated oak beams for reputedly the biggest up-market hotel for horses and their owners!

Q: What would be your advice for someone starting out in the timber industry?

A: Listen and learn, take on board as much information as possible, enjoy yourself! The timber industry is demanding but very satisfying!

Q: How has the industry changed in the time you have been with the company? How many people work there compared to when you started?

A: Gosh, I’m not sure how many were here when I started but there are over 300 working here now.  In terms of the changes, the two biggest improvements I’ve witnessed have been health and safety and the supply of legal timber.

The team at International Timber would like to give Sandy a huge thank you for his years of dedication to the company.

It seems fitting that thirty-one years is also the approximate amount of time it takes to grow a New Zealand Radiata Pine (pinus radiate). Radiata pine is often considered a model for growers of other plantation species and is one of the most widely planted pine in the world, valued for rapid growth and desirable timber qualities.

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