Top Employer of the Year 2021

Top Employer of the Year 2021

Our parent company, Saint-Gobain UK & Ireland, has been certified as a Top Employer in the United Kingdom for the ninth consecutive year and in Ireland for the sixth consecutive year. 

Awarded annually by the Top Employers Institute, the accolade recognises employers who have implemented policies and practices that have had a positive impact on their employees and the business.

As one of the myriad of brands that makes up Saint-Gobain, we are firm believer that employee happiness is paramount to creating a successful business.

Career and succession, working conditions, learning and development opportunities and the overall culture of the organisation were all independently audited during the annual process.  

At International Timber, employee safety and welfare, innovation and continued professional development are key. We want to be a business that everyone is proud to work for and want all our employees to thrive and have long careers with us. 

We recognise that in order to build a rewarding employee experience we need to understand what matters to our staff, which is why we regularly carry out employee surveys.   

With the challenges that the covid-19 pandemic has brought with it over the past 12-months, we’ve kept a crucial focus on employee welfare. We have ensured that all our staff can continue to work safely to deliver products and projects throughout lockdowns. A colleague support helpline has also been setup and is available 24/7, providing support regarding anything, along with telephone counselling sessions with a trained professional. 

We haven’t let the pandemic put a halt on development either, training, new starters and promotions have maintained a core focus throughout. 

Paul Martin, Commercial Director, International Timber commented on the award win: “I’m extremely proud to be a part of Saint-Gobain. Employees are a fundamental focus throughout Saint-Gobain and all its subdivisions. This accolade is testament not only to the continued hard work of all of our colleagues but also to the great culture that we have within the business.”


If you would like to become part of International Timber, please visit Saint-Gobain Careers website to view our latest vacancies. 

To keep up to date on all the latest timber news make sure you’re following us on the International Timber LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter social channels. 

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